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Empfehlen Sie einen Freund, und Sie erhalten 30 £ Rabatt auf Ihren nächsten Einkauf, nachdem dieser sich angemeldet oder seinen ersten Einkauf getätigt hat, und Ihr Freund erhält 15 £ Rabatt auf seine erste Bestellung.
Received yesterday, first try this morning. Think I'm going to love it. Great packaging, elegant glass bottle.
Harry Swift
Great product.
Great team who are very helpful.
Been a repeat customer since launch.
5 Stars.
Jess Mcmurdo
Received a sample and wasnt expecting much, but I was very impressed. The taste was far better than I expected. It wasn’t too thick either as sometimes the thickness of the drinks is overpowering but this one was great. Would definitely recommend ????
Victoria Jones
This verve v80 tastes great, had a nice mouth feel, and the ingredients are great!
Kim Belgrave
Verve is a very tasty product and its great just water and its complimentary with a smoothie. It mixes well in any consistency. It is not overpowering and not bad after taste.
Lachelle Strutz
The verve V80 power was easy to use but the taste wasn’t to my liking. It would probably be better blended into a smoothie.
Jolanta Reifoniene
I am glad that I tried it, because the taste is unique and natural. This product not only revived, but also supplemented the body with vitamins and minerals for the whole day. I will definitely buy it again.
Tracy Kharoubi
I like all the associated benefits and it doesn’t have a bad taste but I’m not sure the sample was enough to be able to say I noticed any benefits personally but it is something I’d buy.
Sabrina Theaker
Really good tasting supplement.
Aaron Murphy
Taste was amazing, did feel any massive benefit as it was one sample. However the price puts me off buying in future