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Kostenlose Lieferung in Großbritannien

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Kostenloses Premium-Willkommenspaket im Wert von €52

Alle Erstbestellungen erhalten ein Starterpaket im Wert von satten €52! Wenn Sie Ihren 30-Tage-Vorrat an V80 kaufen, enthält Ihr Willkommenspaket eine brandneue Verve-Reiseflasche aus Glas, eine nachfüllbare Aufbewahrungsdose aus Edelstahl und einen 100 % recycelbaren Portionslöffel. Dieses Angebot kann man sich kaum entgehen lassen. Eigentlich ein Kinderspiel, oder?

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Empfehlen Sie einen Freund, und Sie erhalten beide €35 Rabatt auf Ihren nächsten Einkauf, nachdem dieser sich angemeldet hat oder seinen ersten Einkauf getätigt hat!

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The London Fitness Guy:

Insights, Training Tips, and the Power of Verve V80

I wanted to take a moment to properly introduce myself and share some key insights into what has inspired my journey and ethos as a fitness trainer.

A little about me: 

I have been a personal trainer for about a decade and during that time, I have been fortunate enough to work with thousands of people through group exercise classes, one-to-one sessions, and online via virtual workouts. Regardless of the format, my primary goal has always been for my clients to enjoy fitness and feel excited about working out. Why? Because if you don’t enjoy what you do, you simply won’t stick to it.

I have taught at London’s most popular studios and currently reside at Third Space, an incredible group of gyms across London. Here, I am able to share my passion for group exercise with members each week and support them in achieving their running, strength, and cycling goals.

I am a huge believer in continuously upskilling to improve my expertise as a trainer. Recently, I completed a Run Coach Qualification and a Breathwork Qualification with world-renowned expert Patrick McKeown (Oxygen Advantage). It’s been a fascinating journey and something I aim to share more of in the future.

On a personal level, my fitness training over the years has evolved to focus more on feeling great each day. I exercise primarily for longevity, cardiovascular fitness, and mental health rather than aesthetic goals. I have completed the London Marathon, Ride London, and various half marathons around the world. I honestly can’t think of a better feeling than crossing the finish line in these types of community events.

Honesty and transparency are such important aspects of being a personal trainer and working in the health and fitness industry. For this reason, I am really proud to partner with Verve, a company that prides itself and its products on quality ingredients and dosage.

What initially inspired me to try Verve is that V80 is backed by science, which I think is really important when it’s something you consume daily. Similarly, it’s created using a formula that contains 100% of your daily intake, so you can rest assured that you are getting a high dose of everything you need to support your health.

V80 Transparentes Grünpulver
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Aus €66,70

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