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Empfehlen Sie einen Freund, und Sie erhalten 30 £ Rabatt auf Ihren nächsten Einkauf, nachdem dieser sich angemeldet oder seinen ersten Einkauf getätigt hat, und Ihr Freund erhält 15 £ Rabatt auf seine erste Bestellung.
I've had a few of these from different brands and this is definitely the most powerful and mixes well. It also helps that the battery compartment just clips open, most the other ones I've had require a screwdriver which is not very convenient!
Amy Pike
I got this as a free gift with my purchase and was not expecting much, its suprised me with how powerful it is. I'd buy it if i didnt already have one
Linsey Smith
Not only does this whisk work beautifully, but it’s also looks stylish in my kitchen. It’s lightweight, easy to use, and makes everything so quickly.
I was hesitant at first, but this electric whisk is worth every penny. The results are consistent, and the motor is surprisingly quiet. It’s now a staple in my daily routine, especially for my Verve routine.
Katie Bex
This whisk has made my morning routine much quicker and simpler, i use it to blend both my Naked Beauty and V80 Greens Powder and it works perfectly. I recommend