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Home Remedies for Health and Wellness

Home Remedies for Health and Wellness

Feeling bloated? Feet a bit sluggish and generally a bit meh? Or maybe you have a pounding headache and don’t fancy reaching for over-the-counter painkillers?

If any of these resonate with you then don’t worry – we have a home remedy that may just make those health concerns a thing of the past. And, even if you don’t suffer from the above, the odd home remedy for health is always fascinating to learn about anyway. So, read on…


Health and Wellness Home Remedies


Extra-virgin olive oil to ease constipation

Yes, that’s right the oil you drizzle over your salad or heat up for a stir fry, can actually help with constipation. And all you need is to ingest a spoonful a day. 

A 2020 study looking at patients with ulcerative colitis showed those who took a daily spoonful of the oil first thing in the morning and on an empty stomach, saw their condition recede. Dietitians believe it works because the olive oil softens the stools, making them easier to pass.  


Soak smelly feet in black tea

If you run a lot or play sports in general then chances are you have er, smelly feet. It’s not surprising when you consider the feet have around 250 million sweat glands. Happily, there’s an easy home remedy to have your tootsies smelling spring fresh again. 

Next time you go to pop a teabag in a mug for a cuppa, pop a couple of them into a basin with half a litre of boiling water instead. Around 15 minutes later add another 2 litres of boiling water. Once the water is cool enough, rest your bare feet in it for 30 minutes. Repeat every day for a week. After this just once a week will be enough to keep your feet fresh.

Tea gets rid of sweat and bacteria because it’s high in the antibacterial compound tannic acid. Not only that, but being an astringent, the tannin also help to close pores on the skin. And talking of soaking…

Treat dry skin with an oatmeal bath

Dry skin isn’t just uncomfortable because it causes us to itch, it can also be sore and cause the skin to flake, especially when it takes the form of eczema or psoriasis. 

Pouring yourself a bath filled with colloidal oatmeal can help soothe dry skin. That’s because it helps the skin rehydrate. It does this by binding to the skin and locking in moisture. Its anti-inflammatory properties also help it balance the skin’s natural pH levels.

Make this soothing paste by grinding whole oats in a blender so you end up with a fine powder. Now pour a lukewarm bath and sprinkle in a cup of the oatmeal. Soak for 15 minutes and gently pat yourself dry. 

Drink ginger tea to stop pain

Great for helping to prevent morning sickness, ginger tea can also help the non-pregnant amongst us when it comes to killing pain. That’s because it’s an excellent anti-inflammatory. An antioxidant in ginger interacts with acidity in the fluid between joints, helping to provide the anti-inflammatory effect and dull pain. 

To make ginger tea just grate half an inch of raw ginger into a jug then pour in two cups of boiling water. Let sit for 10 minutes and add a spoonful of honey or lemon juice for taste.

The above home remedies for health have all been tried and tested – some, such as the oatmeal bath, have been around since Cleopatra’s time. But that doesn't mean they're right for everyone. If you have an allergic reaction consult a doctor, especially if it’s severe. Otherwise, enjoy trying these out and please let us know how you got on.