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What Are The Benefits of Mixing Naked Beauty and V80 supplement?

What Are The Benefits of Mixing Naked Beauty and V80 supplement?

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Want to get serious about looking and feeling your best? Then mixing two of Verve’s most popular supplements could be the secret.

Combining Verve’s V80 Greens Powder, a fully-loaded daily greens powder which packs in 80 all-natural ingredients, along with Naked Beauty, a powder which delivers targeted support for glowing skin, strong nails and healthy hair in one small scoop, offers a simple way optimise your health, nourish your body and get that year-round glow.

Need convincing? Read on…

Verve V80 In A Nutshell 

Just one fruit-flavoured scoop of Verve V80 contains 80 all-natural ingredients which together, provide over 200 health and wellness benefits. Think more energy, improved mental clarity, a tougher immune system, happier hormones and better gut health. Verve V80 contains 100% of your RDA (recommended daily allowance) of vitamins, such as vitamin C, E and D, so you can rest assured that you’ve ticked off your key nutrients for the day. 

Verve Naked Beauty In A Nutshell

With a blend of Marine Collagen, Hyaluronic Acid, Retinol and several key vitamins, the 14 clinically-studied ingredients in Naked Beauty help to give skin a boost by improving hydration, reducing wrinkles and supporting healthy ageing. 

Much like Verve V80, Naked Beauty has been designed to be mixed with water. Its mild vanilla taste, which comes from its blend of fruit extracts, means it tastes great alone. But, if you want to liven up your smoothie or give your overnight oats a beauty boost, then try mixing in a scoop of Naked Beauty.

Here’s what you’re signing up to when you combine Verve V80 and Naked Beauty…

A BIG Boost In Energy

Think about it -if your body has all the nutrients and minerals it needs to function properly, then you’ll be firing from all cylinders with enough energy to sail through the day.

If your body is lacking in nutrients, it has to work harder to keep functioning, leaving you tired and a bit jaded.

Both Verve V80 and Naked Beauty contain B vitamins, which have a direct impact on energy levels and brain function, whilst Verve V80 contains the mineral Magnesium, which can reduce tiredness and fatigue whilst also supporting your muscles, so even the most active days won’t leave you too exhausted.

A Real Focus On Skin, Hair And Nails

Naked Beauty focuses on enhancing the appearance and strength of skin, hair and nails thanks to an impressive range of nutrients.

Vitamin A and vitamin E contribute to the maintenance of normal skin, Zinc supports normal skin, hair and nails and vitamin C contributes to normal collagen formation for the normal function of skin. 

Verve V80 also provides these nutrients, potentially boosting their benefits even more.

But, what really stands out about the Naked Beauty / Verve V80 combo is that Naked Beauty packs in an impressive 12.5 g of hydrolysed Marine Collagen peptides, which are more easily absorbed by your body than other types of collagen. Collagen is a key protein in your body - accounting for about 30% of the total protein in your body - and it specifically provides structure and support for your skin, bones, muscles and connective tissues. ,

MSM, also found in Naked Beauty,  supports collagen production in your body and can reduce skin inflammation (say bye bye to irritated, red skin) and improve skin elasticity to reduce potential signs of aging.

Oh, and let's not forget one of the stars of the Naked Beauty show: Hyaluronic Acid. 

This powerful hydrating agent retains moisture in your skin. Because dehydrated skin means tired, ageing skin.

Double The Power To Fight Against Stress

You’re busy, we understand. Whether it’s work deadlines, family responsibilities or just that endless list of admin, the pressures of daily life can become overwhelming. And, you might not have time for daily yoga, journaling or other de-stressing ‘hacks’.

That’s where certain nutrients really come into their own. Ashwagandha, found in both Verve V80 and Naked Beauty is an adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps the body to adapt to and handle stress. It supports relaxation too- great when you’re struggling to wind down after a stressful day. Verve V80 also contains the adaptogens Panax Ginseng and adaptogenic medicinal mushrooms, Shiitake and Reishi.

Extra Love For Your Gut

Your gut isn’t called your ‘second brain’ for no reason. In fact, your gut and brain are literally connected, so a happy gut means a happy mind and vice versa.

Good bacteria known as probiotics, can help to improve digestion which means a better mood, clearer mind and clearer, more radiant skin thanks to reduced inflammation. Because, what goes on inside, shows up on the outside.

Verve V80 contains 8 billion CFU (Colony-Forming Units- a measurement which indicates the number of live and active microorganisms in probiotics) of Lactobacillus Rhamnosus and B. Bifidum and Naked Beauty contains 5 Billion CFU of various other bacteria. 

All The Antioxidants 

You might hear the word antioxidants thrown around a lot - but what are they and what do they do? Essentially, antioxidants protect your cells from free radicals. These are harmful molecules that can build up from things such as pollution, UV rays and junk food. Too many free radicals can cause damage to your cells. Making sure you feed your body antioxidants is a great way to fight back against potential damage caused by your lifestyle. Because let's be honest, you’re only human. Sunshine, processed foods and pollution are hard to avoid!

Both Verve V80 and Naked Beauty are absolutely jam-packed with antioxidants. Some vitamins are classed as antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, plus Verve V80 contains antioxidant-rich Guarana, Spirulina and Green Tea Extract whilst Naked Beauty contains Astaxanthin, a powerful antioxidant that helps to protect skin against UV damage.

Extra Nutrient Absorption 

It’s pointless having all these fantastic nutrients, when your body isn’t absorbing them properly. Verve V80 contains Black Pepper Extract and Naked Beauty contains a range of probiotics- all of these help boost nutrient absorption so you can rest assured that your body is soaking up all the beautiful benefits of both Verve V80 and Naked Beauty.


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