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Is Ashwagandha the Missing Link to Improving Your Health and Fitness?

Is Ashwagandha the Missing Link to Improving Your Health and Fitness?

You may have seen the supplement Ashwagandha being used by various sports professionals, but do you know what it actually is? Traditionally, it has been used for a range of health benefits, from arthritis relief to anxiety control.

In recent years, its properties have shown promise for athletes in improving sleep, reducing stress, and more recently, enhancing physical fitness. In its natural form, Ashwagandha is a small shrub that originates in parts of India and Africa. The process of utilising it as a supplement involves drying the plant and grinding it into powder form. 

The substance typically used in supplementation is referred to as the extract. 

Now that you know a little about what it is, let’s take a look at what the science is showing us in terms of its benefits for health and fitness.

VO2 Max 

VO2 max refers to the maximum or optimum rate at which the heart, lungs, and muscles can effectively use oxygen during exercise. It’s used as a way to measure a person's aerobic capacity.

A recent study by Verma et al. (2024) assessed the impact of Ashwagandha extract on endurance and VO2 max. The findings concluded that VO2 max increased significantly in the group supplementing with Ashwagandha. The increase was suggested to be 8%. However, previous studies, including one by Tiwari et al., reported a 16% improvement in VO2 max, and Choudhary et al. observed a 13% increase after 8 weeks of supplementation.

Strength and Muscle

The same study by Verma et al. also assessed the impact of Ashwagandha root extract supplementation on resistance training adaptations, such as muscle strength and endurance. The study found significantly greater improvements in muscle strength for both the lower and upper body in participants consuming the extract. In addition, a significant increase in muscle size and endurance was recorded in the group.


We know how important sleep is for recovery and optimal daily performance. A study by Pinero et al. (2024) used Ashwagandha in a milk solution to assess its benefits for sleep quality in adults. Participants who consumed the milk solution for 90 consecutive days demonstrated a significant improvement in their subjective perception of better sleep quality compared to participants assigned non-enriched milk. Another analysis of Ashwagandha extract used daily for 6 weeks observed that 72% of the subjects improved their sleep quality compared to 29% in the placebo group (Nowak et al., 2023).


Although further research is always needed, there is growing evidence around the beneficial properties of Ashwagandha supplementation. Studies suggest that consistent use is recommended, and Transparent Greens V80 makes this significantly easier by including Ashwagandha in its formula.


Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)—Current Research on the Health-Promoting Activities: A Narrative Review - Shoden Promotes Relief from Stress and Anxiety: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study on Healthy Subjects with High Stress Levels

Effects of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Standardized Root Extract on Physical Endurance and VO2 Max in Healthy Adults Performing Resistance Training: An Eight-Week, Prospective, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Study

Effectiveness of Enriched Milk with Ashwagandha Extract and Tryptophan for Improving Subjective Sleep Quality in Adults with Sleep Problems: A Randomized Double-Blind Controlled Trial

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